Featuring murky, dark and painful material "Disintegration" was the pinnacle of the Cure's musical output of the 80s. Building on the difficult double album "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me", "Disintegration" continued "Kiss Me"'s dark sense of foreboding, and expanding it into one of moodiest, most perfectly claustrophobic soundscapes of recent times.
It's been a long time in coming - especially in the run of Cure reissues which have been coming out in dribs and drabs for over five years - but this masterpiece is finally going to see the light as part of the deluxe edition range in May. There were rumours that due to general declining CD sales and a fallout with their (ex) record label, the reissues of Cure material was ceasing.
A post on The Cure's official website, however, has proven the rumours to be just that.
As if almost re-booting the reissue phase, "Disintegration" is being unleashed in a deluxe THREE CD set in time for the album's 21st anniversary.
The collection will feature a bonus disc of 21 songs in mostly demo form, as well as an expanded version of the "Entreat" live album that originally came out in France. The original version only featured 8 tracks, the reissue now features the entire "Disintegration" album live.
Thankfully most of the online vendors aren't playing silly beggars with the price. You'll be able to grab this 3 discer for under £12 from the usual suspects.
01. Plainsong
02. Pictures of You
03. Closedown
04. Lovesong
05. Last Dance
06. Lullaby
07. Fascination Street
08. Prayers for Rain
09. The Same Deep Water as You
10. Disintegration
11. Homesick
12. Untitled
CD2 RARITIES (1988 - 1989)
# PRAYERS FOR RAIN (instrumental demo)
# PICTURES OF YOU (instrumental demo)
# FASCINATION STREET (instrumental demo)
# HOMESICK (instrumental)
# FEAR OF GHOSTS (instrumental)
# NOHEART (instrumental) *
# ESTEN (instrumental demo) *
# CLOSEDOWN (instrumental demo)
# LOVESONG (instrumental demo)
# 2LATE (alt version - instrumental)
# THE SAME DEEP WATER AS YOU (instrumental demo)
# DISINTEGRATION (instrumental demo)
# UNTITLED (alt version - instrumental)
# BABBLE (alt version - instrumental)
# PLAINSONG (rough mix)
# LAST DANCE (rough mix)
# LULLABY (rough mix)
# OUT OF MIND (rough mix)
# DELIRIOUS NIGHT (rough mix) *
# PIRATE SHIPS (rough mix) *
03. ENTREAT PLUS Live At Wembley 1989
1. Plainsong
2. Pictures of You
3. Closedown
4. Lovesong
5. Last Dance
6. Lullaby
7. Fascination Street
8. Prayers for Rain
9. The Same Deep Water as You
10. Disintegration
11. Homesick
12. Untitled