Monday, 5 April 2004

"Long way from home"

Ah Frankie Goes To Hollywood.

Never my favourite 80s band - that would be Duran Duran - I do have a real soft spot in my heart for the scouse five-piece that imploded after two wildly different albums.

Thus it was really nice to see VH1's recent Bands Reunited series focus an episode on getting Mark, Ped, Holly, Paul and Nash back together again for a chat and hopefully a tinker on the old instruments.

That the performance didn't happen was an absolute shame. The look on over-eager Paul Rutherford's face near the end of the show said it all - abject disappointment. This is a man who dropped everything and flew half way round the world to take part in the VH1 episode.

One thing from this episode, you wouldn't believe how old the guys look now. Most are balding and/or greying and look ripe for what middle age has to offer. Compare to contemporaries like Spandau or Duran or even the Petties, who have obviously gotten older but not so extremely.

I realise it could be something to do with the Frankies having been out of the limelight for 17 years and being frozen forever in the collective consciousness in their mid-20s, but it was a bit jarring to say the least.

Even with claims of extreme manipulation from their record label ZTT, the episode has influenced me to have a Frankie day on the old CD player.

Rage hard indeed!
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